

俚语 tasmiyah


Tasmiyah is a name given to a lovely girl. A Tasmiyah is usually an unforgettable and remarkable person. Tasmiyah’s have good reputations and overall high standards. A Tasmiyah is known to be very astonishing , merciful , respectful, grateful , aspiring , hard working etc. A Tasmiyah is raised well

if you do know a Tasmiyah , you’re so lucky. Keep her in your life. She’s one of a kind.
Person 1 :“ hey , is Tasmiyah at school today?”
Person 2:“No , I don’t think so”
Person 1 :“Oh man , school feels different without her. Tasmiyah is like the definition of incredible ,and she’s not only funny , but smart and polite too”
Person 2:“I miss her already, she radiates such positive energy”


Tasmiyah is smart,pretty, funny, kind, and a good friend. She has an Amazing/ goofy personality. She is very loyal. You can trust Tasmiyah with anything. She's shy at first and doesn't talk much but when you get to know her better she is outgoing , loud, caring, and the only friend u could ever ask for. She's understanding and can KEEP SECRETS. She's not fake and once you get close to her it's hard for her to let you go. If she does let u go it's for a very good reason. She's loveable and a all

round good person. But if u get on her bad side she has a bad attitude and a smart ass mouth and can throw down hard when she fights so don't try her. She can sense emotion in every one and gives good advice. Her smile can brighten up a room and if u look in her lovable brown eyes u can see one Fantastic person. Tasmiyah is hard to find so if u have a chance to become friends take it and u won't regret it bc a personality like her's sometimes only come once in a life time.
Tasmiyah looks so pretty today i wish i was friends with her.


A roshnee girl with terrible WiFi. Speaking to her on a call is like listening to a broken recorder. Mumbai villages have better WiFi
Your WiFi is so Tasmiyah like. Go get it fixed




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:41:30