

俚语 tayri


Tayri is a girl that is REALLY pretty and respectful and SEXY she is so sensitive and might fall in love and she will be happy and then she will feel heart broken because she is a pussy to talk yo the guy
Me:Hey Tayri

Tayri: Hey love


Tayri, a girl who is gorgeous you will usually see her playing basketball. She is such a heartwarming person, also nice, her face its just... there are no words to explain it. Shes also loves to eat chips (takis). Yall need someone like Tayri in yo life. In Tay we trust.
Miguel: Did you see Tayri? miss that shot?
Nancy:yeah she could never score a 3!


Tayris is a very petty self-centered girl , always wants attention, most people hate her. She always wants attention and is always petty.
Steph:Tayris always wants to start problems

Britt:I know she expects them to say sorry

Steph:she is so annoying and childish


Tayris is the most self-centered girl you'll ever meet.If you don't do one thing she says to do she will get mad and expect you to say sorry.She always wants to start arguments, and is really childish and petty about it. Always wants things her way. If you tell her something offensive to her she will start bringing up things that she's not even involved with. Someone really needs to beat her ass but she weak so she will bring her little back up friends.
Person 1: tayris is so petty , always wants to start problems

Person 2: I know boys only like her for her looks

Person 1: I know I really don't like her


Tayris is smart, funny, and beautiful. She has had a lot of bad losts in her life but she’s strong and brave. She makes friends easily cause she is fun to be around! She eats ALOT! She real loud and ghetto but she speaks her mind and she real respectful that’s why everybody loves her!
Jeff-“Hey have you seen that girl Tayris?”
Tom-“Yea!! She so beautiful and I heard she like to eat.”
Ian-“I know she like to eat cause that’s my girl!”


good in bed funny sense of humor she can put a smile on your face any time . she can play rough and have attitude and she can have the best sex ever
oh tayris she was great last night




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:42:46