

俚语 teachable


Being able to be taught.
"That girl is so TEACHABLE!"

teachable moment

A clusterfuck.

This euphemism is employed as a last resort when no other positives could (accurately) be applied to the situation. Often used in sports.
Last week's 4th fumble was a teachable moment for our young QB.

teachable moment

What you say when you intend to cover for your own mistake by implying the person you wronged is also culpable but should join with you to "move past" your wrong. It allows you to avoid actually apologizing.
Once Obama read the police report and realized his comments told us more about his own views than they did the Cambridge police he concocted a media event to caste the whole ordeal as a "Teachable Moment" in order to "spread the blame".

teachable moment

Gratuitous American English expansion of "lesson".
The inability of Americans to be understood in other English-speaking countries provides us with a teachable moment.

teachable moment

The moment you interrupt a meeting in progress to not only annoy the hosts, but to also understand what the heck they're talking about and the meaning of the acronyms being used.
Boss: "The CD's were sent out, make sure you review this with the clients."
New hire interruption: "'Teachable moment' - what is a CD?"




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