tea kettle trauma
S H O T O T O D O R O K I .
The Big Red Spot On Shoto Todoroki's Face Is From His Mother Pouring Water From A Tea Kettle Onto Him.
Shoto Todoroki Is From MHA.
The Big Red Spot On Shoto Todoroki's Face Is From His Mother Pouring Water From A Tea Kettle Onto Him.
Shoto Todoroki Is From MHA.
Man: what trauma did shoto todoroki go thru?
Non-binary person: T E A K E T T L E T R A U M A
Man: Whats Tea Kettle Trauma?
Non-binary person: The Big Red Spot On Shoto Todoroki's Face Is From His Mother Pouring Water From A Tea Kettle Onto Him. That's Tea Kettle Trauma.
Man: Oh...
Non-binary person: T E A K E T T L E T R A U M A
Man: Whats Tea Kettle Trauma?
Non-binary person: The Big Red Spot On Shoto Todoroki's Face Is From His Mother Pouring Water From A Tea Kettle Onto Him. That's Tea Kettle Trauma.
Man: Oh...