

俚语 team dump

Team Dump

When two guys both have to drop a deuce, so they awkwardly sit in two neighboring stalls.
"I gotta lay a shit"
"Me too lets take a team dump"

"My principle and I took a team dump today. It was so awkward.

tag team dumping

When two people go "tag-team dumping" it is similar to tag team wrestling except that after one person has dumped they leave the toilet without flushing and the second team member goes in and dumps on the existing dump. In a competition format the first team to block the toilet wins.
Belly Boy & Big Kev make a great tag team dumping team - the amount of orange juice those guys drink in the morning means they can dump for Britain.

Heard the noise when the big bald guy from the office next door is taking a dump - he'd be a great tag team dumping partner!

TTD (tag team dumping)

When two people take turns dropping a hot carl on a third party. MOST common between brothers, but many people enjoy TTD.
"Hey there brother David, do you think your girlfriend would be interested in some TTD (tag team dumping) I've been hankering for pooping on a chest and we haven't spent much time together lately."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 14:29:06