

俚语 tear gas

Tear Gas

A highly irritant substance commonly used by cops to push back peaceful protestors.
You've got to be a shitty person either to use it, or to order soldiers to use it.
A: "If you were facing protests regarding a worldwide scandal regarding cops killing a black guy, what would you do?"
Trump: "Oh thats easy! Let's have cops commit even more violence against people by using tear gas against them. That's totally not gonna increase the amount of hate people carry towards them for what they did."

tear gas

the act of farting in the palm of your hand and closing it very tightly so no substance comes out,then when some poor shmuck is not ready for it you unleash the gas from your kung-fu grip directly into the face of your victim.if done correctly you will bring tears to the eyes of the recevier.in some cases of tear gasing but very rare the victim will pass out.
hey chuck give your girlfriend betty a tear gasing!it might get her to finally shut up!

tear gas

a dead band that still makes music even tho the members are dead help this dying breed of idiots
tear gas is more dead than tear gas

Tear gas

When somebody farts and it smells so foul, it brings tears to the eyes, and everybody is fighting to get out of the foul space.
You're cruisin' down the strip bumping sick beats with the homies. One of them rips a nasty egg-like fart, causing fools to pull their shirts over their faces and/or pump the brakes allowing them to jump out the whip for fresh air.

Driver: "yo man, why you gotta tear gas my ride?, that shit was unnecessary"

Tommy Tear Gas

When someone farts and it smells so bad you have to leave the room or your eyes start welling up.
Chase: "Dude WTF is that? I gotta leave the room."
Tommy: "Thats a little something we like to call Tommy Tear Gas!"

Tear Gas Chicken

A game where 3 or more people enter an air-tight room or closet and open a can of Tear Gas. The last person standing (left in the room) wins.
"Nick is such a puss! He only lasted 10 second in Tear Gas Chicken!"
"Yea dude, I heard he had a panic attack and had to leave!"

Tear Gas Soccer

when the police chuck the tear gas and the protesters kick it back because they don't want to die and the police kick it back because they don't want to die and the protesters kick it back because they don't want to die and the police kick it back because they don't want to die and the protesters kick it back because they don't want to die and the police kick it back because they don't want to die and the protesters kick it back because they don't want to die and the police kick it back because they don't want to die and the protesters kick it back because they don't want to die and the police kick it back because they don't want to die and the protesters kick it back because they don't want to die and the police kick it back because they don't want to die and the protesters kick it back because they don't want to die and the police kick it back because they don't want to die and the protesters kick it back because they don't want to die and the police kick it back because they don't want to die and the protesters kick it back because they don't want to die and the police kick it back because they don't want to die and the protesters kick it back because they don't want to die and the police kick it back because they don't want to die and the protesters kick it back because they don't want to die and the police kick it back because they don't want to die and the protesters kick it back because they don't want to die and then the police shoot them.
Yo lets play some tear gas soccer




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:13:21