Tea Whoopi-Goldberg
Tea, Black Nun
Lady of the house: "Would you like a cup of Tea?"
Builder "Yes please!"
LOTH "What do you take?"
Builder "Tea Whoopi-Goldberg!"
LOTH "Sorry"
Builder "No need to apologise, I understand that the middle class is xenophobic and forgive your ignorance. "
LOTH "That's OK, my husband is working away this week..."
Builder "So the bedroom light bulb needs changing and you can't reach?"
Builder "Yes please!"
LOTH "What do you take?"
Builder "Tea Whoopi-Goldberg!"
LOTH "Sorry"
Builder "No need to apologise, I understand that the middle class is xenophobic and forgive your ignorance. "
LOTH "That's OK, my husband is working away this week..."
Builder "So the bedroom light bulb needs changing and you can't reach?"