

俚语 tebow envy

Tebow Envy

Is a medical condition where a fan of a professional football team is envious of the performance of Tim Tebow, however this person does not want to admit their like for him and does what they can to make others think they don’t like him. This person typically uses social media like Facebook and Twitter to make condescending comments and remarks about Tim Tebow in an attempt to make others think that they do not like him. At first this approach works, but after several weeks of making comments about all his current stats, his passing, his running, his commercials, and his religion most people within that person’s social network realize that this person now has “Tebow Envy”.
Rachel (Facebook Status Update): Where's Tebow time now? I told you they would lose!!! He just sucks.

John (Facebook Comment): I and everyone else appreiate the play by play every week you give out for Tebow. I think its obvious that you have Tebow Envy.

Rachel (Facebook Comment): I do not, I am a Packers fan and I love Rodgers! I hate Tebow.

John (Facebook Comment): In the past month you have zero posts about Rodgers and 34 about Tebow. Its pretty obvious, just admit it.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 18:39:40