The end result of becoming so infuriated at a piece of technology that one renders it useless by throwing it into a wall, dropping it out a window, taking a baseball bat to it, shooting it, etc. just to show once and for all who really is lord and master. See Office Space.
Ted couldn't stand his cellphone dropping every third call due to a malfunctioning internal antenna, so he committed technicide by renting a steamroller for an hour and running over it while Bill recorded the video on Ted's new phone.
The murder of a machine of technological device.
Bryan through his phone against the wall today and broke it. He committed technicide again
technicidal rage
A feeling of anguish and animosity caused by a malfunction or error encountered while dealing with modern technological devices, most commonly a computer.
Jack was filled with technicidal rage as he brought down the Almighty Hammer of Justice upon his screen-frozen iMac, bringing it to a messy demise.