

俚语 big dawging

Big Dawg

One who does everything essentially well and kicks ass in all his activities. Also doesn't take crap from anyone.
Look at him go. He's going crazy like the big dawg he is.

Big Dawg

Someone who has made the big time, usually wearing a suit. Someone people get out of their way for.
"Did ya hear JB is a big dawg. Nuff said."

Big Dawg

1, One who shows immense ability and general unbelievable creativeness in all they do.

2, An affectionate term used to describe someone of immense emotional and sentimental regard, who is also utterly brilliant in everything they do.
"YO! it's the BIG DAWG!!!"

"Hey! don't mess with James! he is the BIG DAWG!"

"You should never be annoyed with the BIG DAWG!"

Big Dawg

Noun:/A mythical creature of extreme drinking capability as well as many other powers. Some nations believe he is a sort of god.
We told the kids the story of the Big Dawg and they couldnt sleep for weeks.

Big Dawg

A saying used when your boy has a “horse cock moment”.
Tubby just hit a bomb, what a big dawg.

Bradey drove a golf cart into a small creek, not a big dawg.

Big Dawgs

A group of cowardly, neutered dogs with pink weeners.
The big dawgs got their asses rocked by the amazing Meat Cleavers and then ran away like gay little puppies.

big dawg

a self- proclaimed nick name given to ones self in order to make up for lack of personality, strength, and most of all penis size. Also a person who has gay tendencies.
you're such a big dawg... i wish i knew your existence was this pathetic when i started hanging out with u




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:09:06