

俚语 teeping on

Teeping on

Having sexual desire for someone
"I'm really teeping on for you"


A traditional style Muay Thai kick in which you raise your front knee and extend the ball of your foot forward.
Yo you just fucking teeped his fromt teeth down his throat.


Shortened variation of the ethnic slur Teeper/TPR/Trailer Park Redneck, used to describe a particular breed of White Trash.
The teeps gathered at the Klan meeting to discuss their hatred towards colored folks.

Geoffrey looked quite comparable to a teep when he tardily arrived to the reception in his racquet ball outfit.


Traditional muay thai style kick in which you lift your front knee and push the ball of your foot forwards.
You just teeped that dudes front teeth down his throat!


Teep- Trying to make a depressed person happy.
Guy 1: Yo, dude did you hear how Guy2 felt?
Guy 2: Yeah, someone should go and Teep him.


the discussed or observed behavior typifies a person
Alex: Did Dan make it back last night?
Eric: Yeah at 2:30 AM, soaking wet, with no recollection of the night.
Danny: Teeps.


Teep- To make a depressed person happy.
Guy 1- Yo dude did you see how Guy 2 felt?
Guy 3- Yeah someone should go and Teep him up.




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