

俚语 tender moments

tender moment

-A scene in a television show, movie, or other form of televised media usually denotd by a soft, down-tempo, piano solo. Could range from lovers reuniting, to the loss of a loved one, to a life-lesson being taught. Intent is to either teach a lesson or invoke an emotion.
"He knew a tender moment was coming as they cued the slow piano music and showed a musical montage as the reality-show contestant was being kicked off."

tender moments

anything that happens to friends, or that they say, that is hilarious or outrageous or cheesy. pretty much applies to any situation so deemed.
" fuck dude billy fell off a roof last night, that was a tender moment"

" man george was all like "i love you man" when he was high last night. i guess he was embroiled in tender moments."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:41:53