

俚语 ten foot

Ten Foot

Commonly used to describe a passage way in the City of Hull in East Yorkshire and thesurrounding area. So called due to the passage way being 10ft wide. Used by cars and people to access the back of their houses, garages etc.
'Fancy a game of football? Meet you in the ten foot at the back of our house'.


Term used in Hull to describe the wide alley bewteen houses of the city. Named so because of its width.
A ten-foot ran between our house and his.

ten foot looker

A person of opposite sex who looks good from ten feet or further, but when he/she gets within the ten feet you realize they are fugly
Man I saw this fine broad from far away but when I got closer it turned out she was a ten foot looker.

with a ten foot pole

when someone is so ugly and disgusting that no one would want to touch them, sometimes not EVEN with a ten foot pole.
Jessica had pox marks all over her body from people touching her with a ten foot pole.

not touch it with a ten foot pole

not want to get involved with something, often used as a warning.
If I were you, I would not touch it with a ten foot pole.

Ten Foot Pole Pussy

A chick that wants to fuck you but you wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole!
Man that ten foot pole pussy is all over me, this party is a drag.

asshole high to a ten foot Indian

Very high, to far up
I couldn't get up that tree without my gear. The lowest branch is asshole high to a ten foot Indian.




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