

俚语 tequila sunrise

tequila sunrise

A mixed drink that can be made in 3 steps:
1. Pour tequila into a highball glass.
2. Add ice and trickle grenadine on top.
3. Fill the rest of the glass with orange juice and stir once.

Note: If you want to make a siberian sunrise instead just use vodka
I'd make more tequila sunrises, but we're out of ice.

tequila sunrise

The ability to (a) drink continuously all night AND (b) stay up drinking until the sun appears again *usually the point in which you play "Tequila Sunrise" by The Eagles.
I don't know if I'll be there on time, today was a tequila sunrise.

tequila sunrise

Awesome cocktail, once you had it you won't ask for anything else!!
It's called Sunrise because of the way it looks, red/orange/yellow like the sky looks every morning when the sun comes up.
Also the name of a hawt movie that was released in 1988.
How to make a Tequila Sunrise:
1. Poor Tequila and Orange Juice in a longdrinkglass
2. Add 3 icecubes
3. Stir for a few seconds
4. Add a little bit of grenadine in the middle of the glass
5. Put a slice of lemon on the edge of the glass
And there you have it: TEQUILA SUNRISE!!!

tequila sunrise

A drinking game involving you, a partner (or more as you desire) and a fresh fifth/handle of tequila, depending on the number of people. The object is to drink the entire bottle and stay awake until the sun rises the next morning. Good party game.
Me and the lacrosse team did a Tequila Sunrise last weekend, then kicked the shit out of Western the next day!

tequila sunrise

The act of pounding tequila shots (with lime and salt), then eating out your womans vagina in a drunken sex craze, and promptly passing out. The tequila sunrise will be the rash-like caked on crust around your mouth in the morning that will take weeks to heal.
People thought I had painted my face up like a clown the night before but little did they know it was just a tequila sunrise.

Tequila Sunrise

When a group of people drink all night until the next morning sunrise. If some one happens to pass out before the sunrise, when they awake, they must take an amount of shots equivalent to the amount of hours they were passed out.
A: "hey we were doing a tequila sunrise when billy passed out drunk"

B: "haha... How many shots did he have to do?"
A: "seven!!"

Tequila Sunrise

A classic hit song by the "Southwestern Rock" band, "The Eagles.
It's another tequila sunrise,
starin' slowly 'cross the sky...




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