

俚语 terh


Trans-species Exclusionary Radical Humanists. Much like the TERF, TERHs believe that members born of another sapient species who experience special dysphoria and identify with their humanity instead of with their species of birth ought not to be accepted as human beings (former argonians, elves, & tabaxi, for example). While movements to push trans-species acceptance are growing, there are still many outspoken TERHs who insist that one species can't simply claim to be human. Their beliefs that the acceptance of trans-species individuals somehow diminishes the struggle of humanity and muddies what are allegedly inherent biological and sociological constructs which divide one humanoid species from another. Many professionals in the medical, scientific, and psychological fields would beg to differ on these claims, citing studies researched on members of the trans-species community of humans.
"So what's with the red lights in Carl's room? Seems kinda spooky, don't you think?"

"Oh, nah bruh, those are heat lights. Carl's trans-species. He was born lizardfolk. Medical procedures to adapt his body from cold blood to warm are hella expensive, y'know."
"Well he's not fooling anybody with those lights. Maybe he should just like...get over it or whatever."
"Dude, quit being such a TERH! Count your blessings for being born into skin that you're comfortable in. Carl's going through a lot right now and I think that having your support would mean a lot to him."
"Oh damn bro, I didn't mean it like that. Maybe you're right after all."




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