

俚语 texas boots

texas boots

what Texas Hill Country folk wear for shoes. good for smashing cockroches..
My old texas boots trap many a cockroches with my pointed toes. In Texas, side of boots used for kicking mexican butts.
spurs used for getting a move on whatever we'r on top of!
In Texas we ride most anything thats warm & moves.....

Texas Boot Snake

When you take a dump in someone’s cowboy boot leaving a soft, warm shit snake.
My roommate was two stepping a little too much with my girl tonight so I dropped a Texas boot snake in his brand new Tony Lama’s.

Texas Style Boot Party

A spectacular ass kicking, on the part of several assailants, usually delivered when the target (or targets) are at a point of extreme confidence and feeling invincible, therefore being utterly humiliated.
Wow, the Yankee's just gave the Sox a Texas Style Boot Party.

Jed thought he would get away with calling Brandy a skank, but her boyfriend and her husband treated him to a Texas Style Boot Party...

Texas Sticky Boot

When one person takes another persons sock, and ejaculates inside of it, and rolls it back up, and places it back in the drawer for said person to unknowingly find.
Brandon gave Chad the old Texas Sticky Boot.

Texas boot strap

The area of the body between the genitals and the anus.

Also known as taint or choda
He made a Texas sized stroke with an average sized member and slammed into her Texas boot strap.




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