

俚语 textecuted


When a teenager's parents take away their phone or cut off texting as a cruel, cruel, cruel punishment.
Teenager 1: "Why didn't you text me yesterday?"

Teenager 2: "Sorry, my parents textecuted me."

Teenager 1: "...HA!"


A type of text message response that is highly detailed and catered to attacking someone's personality or image.
Example text message showing someone being textecuted:

Person 1: 🥺 you don't think I'm prettyyyyy🥲

Person 2: Lmaooooo no, I do. I do think you're very pretty, but what I am not is one of these okes that will give you a free ride just because you have your looks as a get-out-of-jail free card. Look, I get it - you were raised by a society that thinks you should be celebrated for just existing. I'm not part of that society.

You're vacuous, you're inattentive, you're an
egomaniac. You're conceited almost beyond belief to think that your distinct lack of personality is made up for by the fact that you're pretty and spend a lot of your day squatting. We have nothing, and I mean nothing, in common; you don't read, you can't tell me what your favourite movie is, you're a Cardi B fan, you
have no interest in sport other than the footballers and now F1 drivers that you enjoy objectifying. Your favorite car is what's popular, your favourite drink is whatever other people are buying you, and..No. Just no.

It staggers me that you went through so much of effort to get my number from your bra after meeting me once to be this person. You clearly do not know me at all and made little-to-no effort to in this time to do so.

So yes, you are pretty. Very pretty. But I'm pretty af too. 🤷🏻 ♂️ So what makes me chase you? It's not enough to just be pretty. It's nothing.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:04:52