

俚语 texting out

Texting Out

Making out or kissing through text messaging, used to indicate what you would do. EG, if you type *kisses lightly*, the response from your gf or gf might be *deepens kiss*
Commonly used between courting teens and flirtatious couples. See also Texting Out
Texting Out example
Amber: *kisses lightly*
Sam: *deepens kiss*
Amber *wraps arms around you*

you get the picture.

Texting out

To ask someone out by texting them on a cellular device.
Oh my god I can't believe that Tom is texting out Jess?!?!?! How lame is that.


Texting your way out of a situation, without having to talk.
John- Are you going on your first date with that Cathy girl you met last week.

Keith- Naw.... I texted-out, I didnt have the heart to call!!

My boss knew i was sick, so instead of calling... I just Texted-out.

texted out

when you are texting someone and someone else is talking and you listen for a short moment before you get involved in a text and forget what their talking about
P1: Hey you wana hear a story?
P2: (while texting) Yea, sure
P1: Ok, so last night i was dancing and.....
P2: Just stop, im texted out

Text out

To weasel out of a prior engagement by text message. Not to be confused with text message breakup.
Man, I can't bear the thought of going to dinner with Jane again, so I think I am going to text out.

text out

the action of asking someone to be your boyfriend/girlfriend by texting them instead of asking in person or over the phone
"Dude i heard you're goin out with sarah. when did you ask her out?"
"Oh i texted her last night"

"Man dude you texted her out? thats lame. get some balls and ask her in person next time"
"okay fine i wont "
"its dumb to text out"

Texting out

When one texts to ask out on a day or to be in a relationship rather than asking them out in person.

The act of texting someone of the opposite sex hoping to create a relationship.
Guy1: Hey man are you going to ask that girl out you met the other day.

Guy2: Yeah I am. Im texting out so many girls these days.




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