Drunk. It's 1337 for thrashed.
Pattus - I looove you maaaaan!
Omeed - Pat, you're so drunk.
Pattus - I am not tharshed!!
Omeed - Pat, you're so drunk.
Pattus - I am not tharshed!!
a very sexy man (not)
tharshanananananananananananannanananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananananannaananananananananananananananannananann annanana
A happy go lucky, cheerful, kind hearted, person willing to help others as much as she can with what she has :)
She's a Tharsh ❤️
Tharsh is a nice, handsome friend who always helps you out of trouble and is there for you
that's why everyone loves him
that's why everyone loves him
You Are a tharsh