

俚语 thatchered


When a woman in a conversation dominated by men, seems to be topping the men in violent rhetoric in what could be interpreted as an attempt to establish her strength and evidence of her ability/willingness to be as violent as she perceives masculine/strong leadership to be or as she believes it should be...in a similar fashion to Margaret Thatcher.
Wow, Carly Fiorina Thatchered hard last night.


To be forcefully bent over and fucked from behind, as Maggie Thatcher did to the British working class. May be used instead of the word fucked/fuck.
"Was 'avin a game of poker with John at the pub the other night, got Thatchered over and lost fifty quid."
"Well, why don't you just go and Thatcher yourself?"


fookin laser sights
thatcher: fookin laser sights


A kind warm hearted person who always has your back, this person is a funny person who can be vicious if angered. Thatchers are ladies men who can pick up almost any girl, and will treat them right. Thatcher is an athletic, popular person who usually hangs out with the crowd in the back of the room.
Woah he is such a thatcher


Faggot ass bitch with really big moons and is a dwarf with a big bootay

Somewhat hot
That thatcher is gay, but cute


Lady balls (referencing former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Margaret Thatcher.
"In Florida, Rep. Kathleen Harris is spending $10 million of her personal savings to run for Senate, while she's under scrutiny for receiving $32 thousand from the same defense contractor who bribed Duke Cunningham. Folks, that takes balls. Lady balls. We call them...Thatchers."
-Stephen Colbert


Lady Balls - as defined by Stephen Colbert on 'The Colbert Report'
On Rep. Katharine Harris:

"Harris is spending 10 million dollars of her personal savings to run for the senate while she's under scrutiny for receiving 32 thousand dollars from the same defense contractor who bribed Duke Cunningham. That takes balls. Lady balls. Thatchers."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:11:43