

俚语 that cunt

That cunt

That one person who is, was or could be the cause, culprit perpetrator or instigator of any act with a result of some impact.

The intonation when exclaiming the title dictates the effect of said title is key to exposing the title holder as a righteous friend or fiendish tumor on the bowels of humanity.
Jack -"hey Sam you remember Jake from the square"?

Sam- "That CUNT"! "That shit cunt gave my sister the herp"!

Jim - "here's cheers to our brother Gill"!

Carl -"THAT cunt, is a champion"! (GLASS CLINK)

cunt cunt cunt

Used when expressing someone of particular bad taste.
Often gets you thrown out of Pizza Express/numerous pizzeria.
cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt!

Cunted Cunt

Ann Coulter, a self proclaimed bigot, who is everything that is wrong with America. It is people like her that stop real progress and change in America while spreading lies and hate.
Son: "Hey dad, what are you reading"

Dad: "...Slander, by Ann Coulter"

Son: "No! Dad, not that cunted cunt!"

Cunt's cunt

The offspring of a cunt
Bendi is a cunt's cunt

cunting cunt

One whom is not merely a cunt, but a cunting cunt.
Why is it that all chavs are cunting cunts?

This cunts a cunt

When the guy is such a big cunt that you have to say it twice.
Spiro i cant believe you scored that shit goal in fifa. malaka

This cunts a cunt.....

cunt to cunt

To be so buddy-buddy with someone that it gets on everyone's nerves and often inhibits the relationships of the two or more people involved in the cunt to cunt. Therefore, the phrase can be altered to add as many annoying parties as needed. For example, a group of five friends who are annoyingly close could be referred to as cunt to cunt to cunt to cunt to cunt. Can also be exchanged with "penis" as needed, though "cunt" still gets across the meaning.
Person 1: Herbert spends so much time with Jessica. He can't even see that his girlfriend is hurting.

Person 2: Ugh, they are totally cunt to cunt.




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