

俚语 that shit is the tits

that shit is the tits

When one is describing something that is the best of the best. Something that is very high quality and/or exceedingly enjoyable.
"Have you tried the pad thai here? That shit is the tits"

shit on a tit

Clever rhyming phrase used to convey surprise or dismay. Similar to the common phrase "well suck my tits and call me a bitch" or "Well slap mah tits and call me a whore."

Can be interpreted literally, as in the process of defecating onto a human teatlet, primarily of the female variety. This definition is often used by those unfamiliar with its more common usage as an interjection.
Shit on a tit.


I liek to pewp on boubbies lawl

Shit on my tits!

An exclamation of surprise/dismay.
Shit on my tits!
Well, shit on my tits Ronald; Rinsey's pissed on the couch again!
Shit on my fucking titbags, I think Rinsey's having puppies!!!

Shit for your tit

Getting an expected outcome, reward, or otherwise consequence (shit) for the hard effort and dedication one puts into something (tit)
man 1: Dude, I busted my ass waiting on that party, and they stiffed me..

man 2: Looks like you didn't get shit for your tit..

shit a tit

an exclamation of shock, as one would imagine similar to a response if in fact one did "shit a tit"
John: look at that Steve!
Steve: Shit a tit, how did he get stuck in there!

shits for tits

when a female has small breasts, but extremely large dark brown nipples.
Vince: hey Ralph you see that stripper over there.
Ralph: yea, she definitely has some shits for tits.
Vince: we need to get the fuck out of here.
Ralph: i can almost smell them from here.

Shit For Tit

Giving nothing, or something much lesser then what is given to you. Comes from a woman giving a guy sexual pleasure, and he giving nothing back.
"Dude I'll trade you my sandwich for those cookies."
"Man, thats shit for tit."

Also can be said and/or is related to shit for your tit




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