

俚语 that shit tossed

Shit Tossing

Someone or something getting their lives fucking owned.
Friend 1: Dude, you just got your ass owned in a game of Madden. That was a real shit tossing.

Friend 2: That was just lucky, it won't happen again

Friend 1: I just owned your fucking life 76-0. You definitely got your shit tossed across the room, I'm embarassed for you

shit tossed

getting extremely intoxicated by means of consuming large amounts of alcohol and getting really rowdy
Hey BAM when we get done with this we have to get mad shit tossed.

shit tossed

drunk, hammered, wasted, plastered, faded
"I drank 10 vodka pineapples last night and got so shit tossed"

Getting your shit tossed

1. Getting your hair done
2. Getting fucked
1. “Can you come over tomorrow or are you getting your shit tossed”
2. I went over his house last night hands got my shit tossed”

That shit tossed

That shit tossed mean that whoever did ya hair fucked up and its sad that your parents allowed you too come out the house like that. And its can be used on boys and girls if they hair tossed tf up
Ayo that shit tossed why her parents let her leave like that .




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:57:48