

俚语 that's how i roll

That's how I roll

What someone would say to insinuate that it was their style, or that it was the way they usually do things.
Yo man so did you already hit it or what?

Yeah, you know that's how I roll.

That's how I roll

A phrase used to defer responsibility, akin to "it is what it is". Usually used when someone's behavior is questioned, or when someone wants to brag about something they are subconciously not proud of.
Q: "So you tapped his girlfriend, and then when he found out...YOU kicked HIS ass!?!??"

A: "Fool shoulda known....That's how I roll."

That's how I roll

That's how I do it.... or that's the way that I do it.
*uck some labor...I take my ride through the wash, that's how I roll.

how I roll

A justification for how someone behaves
Brendan: Hey Rob, why are you at a 20% in science?
Rob: Because I don't hand in any homework
Brendan: Why?
Rob: Because that's how I roll.

That's not how I roll

1. That's not how I act.

2. That's not what I like.
Man: Hey, you wanna go spank my ass?
Other Man: Whoa dude, that's not how I roll.

that's how I roll

That is how I like to do things.
I know I'm always wearing a bathrobe but that's how I roll.

how i roll

used to affirm one's impressive attribute
-you always carry around $5000 in cash?
-yeah, that's how i roll

-did you just kick that guy's ass because he looked at your girl?
-you know, that's how i roll




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