

俚语 that's pretty gay

That's Pretty Gay

When your friend says something kinda gay, although not on purpose.
Person 1: I'm so hungry, I would eat a horse dick right now.
Person 2: You sure man? That's pretty gay.

Pretty Gay

A term used by most to describe anything unfortunate, undesirable, foolish, or non-stimulating.
Example 1:

Guy 1 - "Hey, did you see the race on sunday?"
Guy 2 - "Yeah, nobody crashed the entire time. Pretty gay."

Example 2:

Girl 1 - "How was your date with Joshua on Saturday?"
Girl 2 - "It was pretty gay. He didn't make a move on me the whole night."

pretty gay

two same sex people who kiss
a man kissing a man is pretty gay

Gay to Pretty Gay

A statement that encompasses all ranges of an undesired outcome. The event or occurrance could be classified as having some redeeming merit, but overall still sucking, to being a complete waste of time where mockery is not only assured, but mandated. It's also equivilates to "lame to pretty lame."
Guy 1: So I went to that new Magiquest place at the mall, and you get to use magic wands and point them at things to get spells and gold. It's like playing Harry Potter with a Wiimote in a Lazer Tag arena!

Guy 2: Dude, that sounds Gay to Pretty Gay.

thats pretty gay

im looking at you...Zach👀
thats pretty gay

Gay Pretty

Especially attractive to the same sex, but not the opposite.
The opposite sex will find them average at best, while the same sex may well come out of the closet as a testament to their one-sided attractiveness.
Suzie: hey Liz, what do you think of Jeff?
Liz: meh, he's ok I guess.
Football Star & Known Ladies Man: *glances over to see who they're talking about* oh my god. *forcibly makes out with Jeff*
Suzie: wow, i guess he's just Gay Pretty.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:43:49