

俚语 the 50% rule

The 50% Rule

The 50% Rule

This rule is based on the 4 basic areas of interest to a man – (in no particular order) 1- FACE / 2-CHEST / 3-BUTT / 4- ATTITUDE. The 50% rule states that a woman only needs to possess favorable qualities in 50% of these basic areas of interest to be looked upon as desirable or lust worthy to a man. Basically stated 2 out of 4 are enough. Anything more is a bonus.
A woman with a nice rack and great attitude is just as desirable as a woman with a nice face and good butt. Mix & match using The 50% Rule, it works any way you try it.

50 foot rule

''The 50 foot'' rule pertains to the distance a male is from a female before he can make an accurate assessment of her appearance. If she is seen from beyond "50 feet" then she is too far away for him to judge clearly if she is worth pursuing.
Male 1. "Man did you check out that girl? She was killer!" Male 2. "No man, did you use the 50 foot rule? No! Well then, you don't if she was banging or leading the cougar line. Don't waste your time."

50 mile rule

a rule stating that if you are more than 50 miles away from the person you are dating then all faithfulness to your significant other is null and void. Similar to out of sight out of mind.
Sally said she was enacting the 50 mile rule when she went home with random far away bar guy.

Rule 50

It needs moar Desu. No exceptions.
Example 1
Person A: Can i get a Meat Craver Pizza with extra Desu?
Person B: Lolwut?
Person A: Rule 50.

Example 2
Greetings! I came to your online community and i find your lack of Desu is disturbing. Please follow Rule 50.

Example 3
Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu

The 50 Percent Rule

The 50 Percent Rule was first invented in spring 2016 by Swiss citizen K.E.

As opposed to state laws with a limited scope, it is described a universal moral in modern human behaviour.

It regulates the number of seats taken by a single guest in a restaurant, bar, café, eatery or diner.

You and your company may claim all the seats of a specific seating area (i.e. table or sofa space) if you make up for at least 50% of the total number of seats without the need to grant fellow guests access to the remaining seats.
A: "Hey man, can I take that seat?"

B: "No, sorry!"
A: "Why, is there anyone joining you? Or do you just need 4 seats for yourself?"
B: "There's nobody joining me. And now let me do my work!"
A: "Well, sir! Haven't you heard of the 50 Percent Rule!?"

Rule 50

It needs moar Desu. No exceptions.
Example 1
Person A: Can i get a Meat Craver Pizza with extra Desu?
Person B: Lolwut?
Person A: Rule 50.

Example 2
Greetings! I came to your online community and i find your lack of Desu is disturbing. Please follow Rule 50.

Example 3
Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu

50-50-90 rule

Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.
When flipping a coin, take into account the 50-50-90 rule,most likely you'll be wrong.




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