

俚语 the alicia

The Alicia

An Alicia is a very rare type of Spanish woman, who makes paella for you if you’re good, but if you are bad you will feel the wrath of the Alicia
Be carful of that woman, she’s an Alicia , she might hit you with her chorizo.

Cannelly had been a naughty boy so got no paella. He had angered the Alicia


She is the most beautiful girl you will ever meet. Her inner beauty shines to her exterior being. Although at first she can be intimidating, once you get to know her, you'll find that she is a hopeless romantic, someone worth loving for the rest of your life. She is the kind of girl who's intelligence and inner beauty outshines that of the other girls. Once you meet her, never let her go. She will be a valuable asset in your life.
Alicia is the woman I want to marry, the woman I want to grow old with, and the woman I'll forever love.


Alicia is someone who always has a smile on her face. She’s the most loving person I know, as she always takes care and loves all her friends. Being around her means being happy, as she is very spontaneous, wanting all of a sudden to dance, jump around or do crazy things. She also is a very affective person, hugging and kissing you all the time, or even treating you as her little baby or puppy. She is, definitely, the craziness we all need. Potterhead is an adjective that defines her perfectly, because she is obsessed with J.K. Rowling’s saga. An Alicia is also like a mother of the group, as she would never judge anyone by what they do or even what other people say, being tolerance incarnate. You’ll never have a boring conversation with Alicia, because she always knows what to say in the right moment, with her stupid but lovely jokes that make a simple conversation the most interesting one. It’s impossible to be angry with her, and she never takes things to heart. She sometimes acts like a 3-year-old child or like the most mature person in the world, but both of her sides, and all of them if she had more, are as lovely as she is. Laugh could be her second name, as she spends half a day laughing. Others love is one of her favourite topics, being even happier than you when something good happens. She’s the most intelligent person I’ve ever met, and she is as beautiful inside as she is on the outside.
“Who is that, jumping like crazy?”
“Oh, it must be an Alicia; they always feel to the maximum”


Alicia is the most wonderful girl you'll meet. She's crazy and funny. Her eyes will sparkle so bright when she's happy. And she's an amazing person to be around with. Alicia can always make you happy and put a smile on your face.
Person 1: "Mannnn, who is that girl?"
Person 2: "Not sure but I think thats Alicia, Sammie's girlfriend"


Alicia is an amazing girl. She is sexy and cute. She is brave and strong, but also sweet and caring. Her smile is like sunshine, and she radiates beauty and joy around her.
Alicia you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen


Alicia a kind hearted girl who seems very shy and keeps to her self at first. But when you get to know her she's a very interesting person and has a lot to give for a friend. She has a surprisingly, amazingly good body and beautiful sexy eyes witch you can drown in if you stare at for to long. She's a loving person and knows who she loves but doesn't like to be clear about. she is very attractive and can steal anyone's heart.
Boy 1: fuck I saw this girl at a club.

Boy 2: was she hot
Boy 1: she's more than that she's a fucking Alicia


An Alicia seems quiet from the outside, but really she's trying to find the politest way to tell you to shut the fuck up. She's not afraid to beat someone up. If you get your ass handed to you by an Alicia, it's probably an honour.
"Dude what happened to you?"
"Some chick beat me up for being sexist."
"It's probably an Alicia"




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:23:26