

俚语 the ball buster

The Ball Buster

That one friend in the group who is always cracking obnoxious jokes at another’s expense
You don’t seem to get it man, James isn’t actually a dick, he’s just the ball buster of the group

ball buster

1) A woman (also affectionately called a bitch) who challenges the virility and dominance of a man by utilizing verbal abuse and/or by controlling social situations usually controlled by the men.

2) A woman who is so bitchin' and intelligent that most men fear openning their mouth in her presence, much less making a sexual advance.
"That ball buster of a ho didn't let me have a word in edgewise. She tore my ass up one side, and down the other"

"Woo Wee! Look at that ball bustin' honey!"

ball buster

A generally derogatory phrase applied to a woman who habitually interacts with men in an overly defensive way via verbal insult, superior attitude, and/or avoidance of "conventional" gender roles possibly (make that probably)due to an underlying fear of being taken advantage of or undervalued (ie; not being taken seriously in an age where both genders compete for the same jobs and the like). The behavior is generally unintentionally hurtful and hypocritical.
I wanted to ask her out, but she changed the subject to business just to prove how much more money she makes. Then I tried to open the door for her, but she rushed to grab the handle first and then let the door shut in my face. Geez, she's such a ball buster.

ball buster

to jokingly annoy one's friend(s) by throwing insults or jibes meant to slightly annoy
after i fell on my ass and had to wear a butt-donut, my friend became an instant ball buster.

ball buster

an individual who instigates, jokes with or tests, someone to make a situation more problematic than what it shopuld be
The only thing I did was hug an old friend in the club and now my wifes being a real ball buster about it.

Ball Buster

1) A word used by men to throw judgement on women who give the same energy they were getting back.

2) a man uses this word as an insult to a woman when he is feeling put in his place by a woman
Steve: All I’m saying is if I make more money, put a roof over your head, and take care of you financially it should be okay for me to seek out other woman when the wife isn’t feeling my sexual desires.

Lily: So I as a woman who makes more money and supports my partner financially should feel free to step out of my relationship if my partner doesn’t meet my sexual desires.

Steve: No that’s not right for a woman to do that because men can have sex and form no connection.

Lily: What, Steve? You’re afraid they’ll find a man bigger than you.

Steve: You’re ball buster bitch

ball buster

A woman who kicks, stamps, punches, etc... a guys nuts.
His legs open wide, she booted him in the balls and then laughed at his pain.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:42:49