

俚语 big mood

big mood

relatable, said in response to something that you agree with
Jeremy: I HATE avocados man
Susan: BIG mood

big mood

This is what people say when someone says something they relate to, and want to express that it is relatable; see same
Becky: “Ugh, I don’t want to go to work today. I’d rather kill myself,”
Me: “Big mood.”

big mood

When your mood is big

big mood

bitch i don't even know, stop wasting time
you wasting time on the internet has put me in a big mood

big mood

A mood a female enters when they want to fuck someone/something very badly
Yo did you see Jessica she’s in such a big mood right now with Chad

Big mood

Well; it's a new hip word with the youngens these days. It just means "that's how i feel right now" or "extremely relatable". They use it primarily when that is the heaviest emotion in their life at that point in time.
Timmy: “I hate myself so much”
Jimmy: “Big mood”

Big mood

Big mood is a slang term that originated on Tumblr and Twitter, it is used to express agreement instead of using "same." or "true."
"Logan Paul is such a dumbass."
"Big mood."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 10:55:03