

俚语 the bitch card

the bitch card

Saying you're "a woman" as the excuse or sound reasoning for any behavior you, a woman, makes.
Man: I like these pants.

Woman: they fit too perfectly. I know, because I'm a woman.

Man: Playing the bitch card.

Woman: I know those socks are too white because I'm a woman, damn it. Get gray at the ends next time.

Man: So you know style because you're a woman and I do not because I'm a man?

Woman: Only a woman would understand.

Bitch Card

When a person States that he/she will do something, and another person shouts bitch card, the person who stated that has 24 hours to complete the task. If not completed, the person who bitch carded gets to slap the person. However, if the task is completed, the person that was bitch carded gets to slap the one that bitch carded them. It's fun to play this with friends, and catch them off guard.
Guy 1: Dude I'm gonna grab her ass.

Guy 2: Bitch card!

bitch card

something is said by a person , stating something they will do.... if bitch carded by another person , ( yelled out by another person) the person that was bitch carded for the statment must complete the task said in 24 hours or less. or if not , the person is kicked in the nuts by that person that called the b card.
person a = "im gonna rob a bank"
person b = " BITCH CARD "

bitch card

When your friend is tired of being made fun of, they use the bitch card to get you to stop.
Tony: “Wow you suck at driving”
Sarah: “you can’t say that anymore I used my bitch card”

bitch card

A card that every girl has. The amount of spending money a girl has on her bitch account is based on how hot she is. The hotter the girl, the more "purchases" she can make with her bitch card. Bitch cards tend to be overused by uglier females.
Girl: (anything bitchy)
Boy: Girl you ain't that fly, I am goin't have to take your bitch card away before you run up a massive debt!

bitch card

A business-like card given to females (bitches) that sparks a celebrity's interest. Given to hopeful one-night stands.
Elliott Sadler gave that pit lizard his bitch card.

credit card bitch

( very misogynistic): the female version of a paypig in a female dominated relationship
I d rather be a payout and a gentleman at the same time than have a my cougar also be my credit card bitch.




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