

俚语 the catamaran

The Catamaran

Similar to when a catamaran blows its horn as it docks at bay, The Catamaran occurs when a penis is inserted into the anus of a female companion. At the time of penetration, the female flagellates, thus creating the "horn blowing" effect that takes place when the "catamaran" docks. If defacation occurs during the "horn blow" The Catamaran would then be known as "The Black Pearl".
"I totally catamaranned this chick last night. She was lactose-intolerant, and we'd just gone out for ice cream, so when she suggested we do it anal, I thought The Catamaran might happen. I was right."

"Dude, my girlfriend was complaining about a stomach ache, so I suggested we do The Catamaran... it turns out we went into bonus rounds because on top of that I got The Black Pearl."


A euphemism for the act of "motorboating" a woman's outer labia/labium, in order to achieve sexual pleasure.
Oh man I totally gave my girlfriend a catamaran last night, she loved it!


Verb. Taking something normal and turning it into magnificence.
Wow, Melissa really catamaraned that vacation when she upgraded to first class and bought the spa package.

Adding sprinkles to a basic cupcake.
Turning that old tee shirt into a bitching tank.
Calling in sick and taking a spa day.
Convincing your boyfriend to work out regularly. gains upgrade


Similar to a motorboat, a catamaran involves putting your head in between two pairs of firm breasts.
"Greg what were you doing with those hot blonde twins?"
"I am getting a catamaran"
Oh awesome man!


1. A sailing boat that has two parallel hulls held together by a single deck.
2. Raft
3. A quarrelsome woman; a vixen.
She was a terrible catamaran, always viciously gossiping and bullying everyone.


A euphemism for the act of "motorboating" a woman's outer labia/labium, in order to achieve sexual pleasure.
Oh man I totally gave my girlfriend a catamaran last night, she loved it!

Catamaran sailor

people who sail catamarans, usually the 2nd most insane type of sailor. automatically classed as sexy/hot no matter what they look like due to the immense coolness of catamarans.
girl1: that guy is so hot!
girl2: who, that guy? he's not hot! i'd be surprised if he could pull a whale
girl1: he's a catamaran sailor!
girl2: oh, god i'd let him fuck me like theres no tommorow!




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