

俚语 the cat's tits

the cats tits

When something is of awesome quality. Similar to the bees knees.
"Did you see that show last night? It was the cats tits."

cat tit

Officially: skin tag. A small, harmless, excess piece of skin that grows on the body, usually found around the neck. Named after the small nipples of cats. Cat tits must be removed by a dermatologist, but are removed easily. They are most common among heavyset people.
Ever since Bertha gained wait, she grew a lot of cat tits on her neck.

the cat's tits

based off of the popular saying "the cat's pajamas" or "the cat's Meow" this is an adjective that means good, great or spectacular. It was determined in Madison WI that tits were better then pajamas.
Holy shit that guy just beer bonged a 40, he is the cat's tits.

Cat Tits

a dance involving many mexicans and several zebras having anal sex.
Hey Mexicans, do you know the cat tits?

Cat tits

The small roll of fat deposit located underneath a female's breasts.
My sister-in-law has cat tits.

ur cats got tits

Best insult going. Only used by the most savage people and have the dankest memes
Finlay~ I’ll shave your gran

Jack~ ur cats got tits

Finlay~ so does yer dad




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