

俚语 the chocolate spread

The Chocolate Spread

Getting your penis covered in shit after performing anal. Not wanting a dirty penis, you wipe the mess on to the arse cheeks as if your penis was a knife, spreading chocolate spread on toast.
Aaron: So dude i heard you did something wild last night with that chick

Brogan: Yeh i gave her a large helping of the chocolate spread

Chocolate spread

Where you smear chocolate all over your dick and put it in a girls arse and she shits on you dick then she puts your cock inbetween two bits ago bread making it a chocolate spread sandwich
Yo bob see that girl over there , well we preformed the chocolate spread last night

chocolate titty spread

chocolate titty spread: Is a sexual activity when a man poops on a girls tits and spreads it like nutella and licks the poop of her titts
My boyfriend gave me a Chocolate titty spread
Last night

Chocolate tity spread

Chocolate tity spread is when a woman spreads her tits and a man proceed to poop on the tits and spreads it with his hands
My husband gave me a Chocolate tity spread last night




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