

俚语 the cosby's

The Cosby's

Things i drop in the toilet when i take a dump
I just dropped the cosby's off at the pool


Getting sexually taken advantage of while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
I was really drunk and totally got Cosbied by Frank at 2am.


To be drugged and used for sex
Miller: Hey I heard Jason hooked up with Madison last night.

Francis: How is that possible, she's like 20 points hotter than he is.

Miller: I guess he musta Cosbied her


(Verb) The ancient art of drugging a potential partner, violating them, and then performing the impressive feat of eluding all suspicion until they violate one person too many.
Dave: I did Brenda, Jenny, and Sandra while they were asleep.
Tom: You Cosby'd them, didn't you?


The intentional use of chemical substances with the aim of incapacitating and sexually assaulting an unsuspecting person.
Bill dropped a pill in Janice's drink. It wasn't until the next morning that Janice woke up and realized that she'd been Cosbied.

A Cosby

To slip an unknown substance or pill into someone's food or drink
Did he just slip her a cosby in the cafeteria?


Roofieing someone by putting roofies in someone's Jell-o.
"Well, he invited me back to his place for Jell-o, and there's always room for Jell-o, but I don't remember much after that. Do you think he was cosbying me?




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:55:30