

俚语 the dictionary

The Dictionary

A list of boring words and their definitions in a thousand pages or more. Only the truly cultured people go to Urban Dictionary for all their wanting to know what a word means means.
Virgin: Wanna read the The Dictionary together? Girl: No, The Dictionary sucks, just read to Urban Dictionary instead. Virginn: Ok... :.(


A word that you have possibly made up but appears to be accurately descriptive of what you meant and therefore worthy of being in the dictionary

That words sounds dictionarial if you ask me


Words about words
Who would ever read the dictionary?
Urban dictionary is way better.


dude youre seriously looking up the word dictionary?? you must be freaking bored
youre looking up the word dictionary? nerd


A Useless book of information. The only useful dictionary is the one you're reading at this moment. Also If they misspell a word how would we know? Mrs. Stocks's best friend.
Websters Dictionary misspelled Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia


Weird person: "When you look up 'dictionary' in the dictionary, it just says 'this'."


You are on one right now. A dictionary is a place where you can find words. This one though is fan made so you can define any word
You are on a dictionary right now while looking for the meaning of this




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更新时间:2024/9/20 20:20:38