

俚语 the ellis effect

The Ellis Effect

The Ellis Effect is a theoretical hypothesis involving the ability of men named Ellis. The effect describes thier uncanny ability to cause others to drink excessive amounts of alcohol. They are essentially drinking catalysts. Be very careful when drinking around an Ellis. We do not have enough data to fully understand the extent of their charisma on others.
"We tried to collect observational data on The Ellis Effect, unfortunately he drank all the data."

Friend 1: "what happened to you last night?"
Friend 2: "I got way too plastered because I got caught in The Ellis Effect."

ellie effect

The state of being forgetful for an unknown reason in a short amount of time.
Ellie: uh.. i forgot
Esteban: has to be the ellie effect

The Ellie Goulding Effect

Refers to the popularity of any given artist based mostly upon the samples taken from their songs, or remixes by other musicians of that artists songs. In these cases, the remix will often times be more popular than the Artists original song.
"The original song is ok, but the TRAP version by Baauer is so sick, it gives the original the Ellie Goulding Effect."




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