

俚语 the executive

The Executive

Dropping a deuce in such spectacular form, as avoiding having to wipe at all.
I was running late this morning, but I was saved by "the executive".

The Executive

The beltless trenchcoat that Frank Costanza invented and made a living off of selling. Mentioned in the episode "The Raincoats".
Kramer: "You recognize this?"
Shop keeper: "I sure do. That's The Executive."

The Executive

When you Masturbate while wearing a condom.

Classy and can be done while wearing a suit... for the buisness man on the go.
Damn i've been running all over the office today... I barely had time to give myself The Executive before I had to go to that lunch meeting with the Board of Directors....

The Executive

To abrubtly leave a bar or a party without telling any of your friends.
Friend A: What happened to you last night, man? You were the DD...

Friend B: I was sick of that scene, so I pulled The Executive . Hope you got home ok.

Friend A: Thanks for telling me, dick.

The Executive

When a guy goes in for a first kiss and puts his dick in her hand instead. Public or Private.

You try this move when you know its "going down". You just skip a few steps. The Executive doesn't have time for a 30 minute make out session.
I gave her The Executive last night... she loved it.


The act of carrying out a death sentence, typically due to a major infraction of the law. This is most commonly done by injection of a deadly substance. Certain countries have public executions, public events where people are welcome to watch the executions of felons. The term is also associated with the murder of hostages at the hands of terrorists.
Terrorist groups usually videotape the execution of their hostages


Someone who gets paid hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars, to eat lunch in fancy restaurants, play golf, and buy elections. Complains that the people who do the actual work cost too much, so cuts health insurance and lays off employees. Moves jobs to places where people are willing to work for .35 an hour, twelve hours a day, and live without indoor plumbing. Can totally screw up a company, and still get a golden parachute and another cushy "job."
Executives are so unused to doing any actual work that they would be crusting without some underpaid assistant to wipe their bums.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:38:40