

俚语 the fuck index

The Fuck Index

The Fuck Index (TFI), also known as The Google Fuck Poll, is a DIY poll like the Gallup Poll, but available to "we the people". It best used for measuring the relative popularity of key politicians, past and present. It is tested by doing a "Fuck <enter name>" on a Google Search, and reading the totals. Currently Obama is at 23 million hits for "Fuck Obama", whereas "Fuck Bush" has dropped to less than 2 million.
Democrap: Boy, I am so happy I voted for Obama, he's beat Bush 10 times over on The Fuck Index.

Repube: You used the Google Fuck Poll to get that? You Jackass! How could you people be so stupid! The Fuck Index is not a good thing. It means ppl think Obama is 10 times worse than Bush.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:03:45