

俚语 the full twat

The Full Twat

To give it everything or to skimp on no element

Etymology: A term often used within retail design and amongst courting couples; although perfectly acceptable in any scenario. Colloquially, to 'twat' is to 'hit' hence the full twat is 'your best shot'.
Sue: "Shall we order flowers or centre pieces for the tables at our wedding darling?"

Henry: "Fuck it - lets go the full twat and do both; you are the love of my life after all"

Full Twat Kit

Someone who has a shaved head, earrings/body piercings and a load of tattoos.
Look at him. Did he go into a shop and ask for the FTK (Full Twat Kit)?

a bag full of twat

a bag full is a person who is so retarded he/she can't simply be called a twat, they have to be more agressively called a bag full of twats, or sevral twats could also be reffered to as a bag full of twats.
the chelsea team are a bag full of twats, amy whinehouse is a bag full of fucking twats




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