

俚语 the germinator


To bounce uncontrollably with no purpose but to make fun of Madame germine
I germined when I saw Madame Germine walking in the hallway.


Also, "Germaneer"

German-engineered cars are said to have "Germineering."
As they were driving, Nick pointed out to Carlyn the superior Germineering of her Volkswagen Beetle.


(n) A man whose name might be mistaked for German. He is far from German, mostly Spanish, maybe Dominican, Puerto Rican, Cuban. A Germin will pwn in everything they do, and you if you fuck them over, then you'll hear their common phrase, and punch line, "Thats dumb dirty" But a Germin is so incredible, that you cannot succeed in messing with them, anyway. You see a Germin everywhere on tv: Superman, Hulk, or another protagonist character. He resembles a superhero and is always there for the victim! A Germin can't let you down!
Boy #1: I hate Germin!
Girl #1: Are you just saying that because he surpasses you in looks/personality, stacks more money then you, and gets more bitches then you?
Boy #1: .. Yes yes, thats true..

Girl #1: Sorry.. I was the one saying that stuff on your formspring..
Germin: Thats dumb dirty.

Girl #1: I'm in love with Germin!
Girl #2: Aren't we all...


To be coughed or sneezed on.
Casey came home sick and germinated everyone in the house.


To intentionally intake harmful bacteria with the intent of becoming ill.
Dude, I licked every railing at the mall up and down the other day, I was germin' hard.


A man who fathers many offspring.
Gee whizz Bob, Jim is real germinator; he has 17 kids!


When two sick peoples haves the sex
I, having the flu, penetrated my girlfriend whom, also with the flu enjoy said penetration. Thus we germinated




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