

俚语 bigshit

big shit

A response to something of obviously little importance when it is exclaimed otherwise.
"Dude, my friends know the singer of Graf Orlock!"

"Big shit."

big shit

When you get accused of murder and you have the big shit moment. Or when you take a big shit in the bathroom.
That is one big shit

Big Shit

An arrogant person who thinks or acts like they are way more important than they really are.
Joe thinks he is a BIG SHIT now that he has a six figure income.

Big Shit

A person who is a big shit

This maybe either because they are your best friend and you like to annoy them
Or because they are just an annoying asshole.
It is most likely that the person calls you little shit
Kaira's a big shit

Big Shit

To trash talk someone a bunch of times.
Tony: I heard Sam was talking big shit about you.
Eric: fuck Sam

Big shit vibes

When someone looks like they're prone to taking huge dumps.
Dude 1 - "Bro don't invite Tyler to our sleepovers again, he fucking clogged the toilet after he took a shit"
Dude 2 - "Of course he did, he has big shit vibes"

big shit whore

A dirty slag whore who also like to play with shit
1) Hey look at McCabage that big shit whore playing with shit




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