The girlfriend test
When a person is not sure whether they want to date a girl they have been hanging out with. You perform the Girlfriend test: Plan on hanging out with her and before you hang out with her that day, masturbate. If you still want to hang out with her afterwards she passes the girlfriend test. If you don't want to hang out with her anymore then it is strictly hormonal driven.
I wanted to know if this girl was girlfriend material so i did the girlfriend test.
girlfriend test
When you have sobered up enough for your girlfriend to not notice that you are/were high.
If you take mescaline, it will take you approx. 12-14 hours to pass the girlfriend test.
Girlfriend test
When a piece of technology is easy enough for your girlfriend to use without calling you.
Gf: baby, can you install office on my computer?
Nerd bf: Jesus, Microsoft can't make anything that passes the girlfriend test.
Nerd bf: Jesus, Microsoft can't make anything that passes the girlfriend test.