

俚语 the gluestick

the gluestick

Mostly for two girls. Rubbing your bodies together while cumming, creating a sticky mess.
Sandy: Me and Sue did the Gluestick for Darren last night.
Michael: Maybe you can show me sometime.


To cum on a girls back then stick her to the carpet.
I gluesticked her last night

gluestick man

has super porwers of glue.All he knows about in dt is a gluestick this boyis secretly named(hopkins)
save me gluestick man

Gluestick Modder

What is a gluestick modder you ask?

Well, to put it simply, a gluestick modder is someone who takes a lightbar, slaps it on a car and calls it a day.

For example,

Odge is a gluestick modder
You're such a gluestick modder

dried gluestick

When you cum straight up then let the jizz dry on tip of your meat stick (dick without skin) then once dry, peel off very fast just like when you were little and peeled dried glue off your hand.
dude, you should totally try the dried gluestick!

Acoustic Gluestick

The most fun words to say together
like seriously
try it
i have no idea what it might actually be but it's really fun to say
Say out loud until i say to not:
Acoustic Gluestick
Acoustic Gluestick
Acoustic Gluestick
Acoustic Gluestick
Acoustic Gluestick
Acoustic Gluestick
Acoustic Gluestick
Acoustic Gluestick
Acoustic Gluestick
Acoustic Gluestick
Acoustic Gluestick
Acoustic Gluestick
Acoustic Gluestick
stop talking out loud
Acoustic Gluestick
Acoustic Gluestick

Cter the gluestick

He is a gluestick. And is named cter
Cter the gluestick is cter the gluestick




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更新时间:2024/9/20 11:41:42