

俚语 the golden ticket

the golden ticket

1) A Trojan Magnum condom, since the color of the wrapper is gold.
2)Refers to the fact that a man's penis is wider than average; therefore, needing a condom with more room.
"Hey, how did it go last night with your boyfriend?"

"Amazing! He's got the Golden Ticket."

A Golden Ticket

Permission granted by one's girlfriend to enter the chocolate factory
Sammy: Nick, I'm giving you A Golden Ticket
Nick: Schwing Schwing!

golden ticket

When, like Charlie, you have been given access to the Chocolate Factory. Permission for anal.
Dude, last night she gave me the golden ticket.

Golden Ticket

When you wipe your ass after taking a dump and there’s absolutely no shit on the toilet paper.
I wiped a second time because I couldn’t believe my luck, I actually had a golden ticket, it’s going to be a lucky day.

golden ticket

Letting women know what your "packing" with by saying you us only the Golden wrapped magnums.
Hey Yo Shawty... I got that golden ticket!

Golden Ticket

When you wipe your ass after taking a dump and mysteriously there is absolutely no shit on the toilet paper.
I wiped a second time because I couldn’t believe I actually had a golden ticket! It’s going to be a great day....

The Golden Ticket

Information about someone that is so deadly that it could ruin their life. Most commonly used to flame or embarrassing someone.
Christian, stop being a prick or I’ll whip out the golden ticket.




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