

俚语 the goog

The Googs

Slang for any web search engine, particularly popular with people working too hard to be cool.
Guy: When did you say that hipster basket weaving party was?
Girl: I don't remember, just look it up on The Googs!
Guy: Totes magotes!

On the Goog

Using Google as a search engine.
- "Golly gee, I wish I knew the lyrics to this song!"
- "You silly human! Get on the Goog!

- "Gee willikers, thanks!"


A pharse or situation deemed to be rediculous or hilarious.
"your mom gave a great GOOGENHIMER SHNITZEL last night." -Kramer

"Well that's a googely!" -Jerry


goog an ecstacy pill. a pill which includes ingredients such as MDMA,PDMA,K etc.
lets go out tonight. robbie's got heaps of googs.


to be under the influence of an ecstasy pill
he was googed the other night trew??


An affectionate term for Google.
"Oh Googs, you're my favourite."


Googe is a sexual act originating in the Amazon rainforest. It is where the man wraps his legs around a womans face and googe's like a bad badger. It is now used as an exclamation of hornyness or used as a term instead of fuck, or also can be used as an expression deep hatred. Eg, I fucking want to googe ya mam
I want to googe you long time *russian Accent*




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:21:25