

俚语 the goonbag


an aussie slang term for the those cheap 4 liter wine containers. Due to the excessive drinking in the aboriginal territories and the silver plastic bag inside the carton
the term goonbag evolved.
"... come on everyone throw in a dollar, let´s get a goonbag."


Someone who is a douchebag and is a freaking idiot.
OMG, Topher is such a goonbag!


Goonbag is not just a noun, it's a lifestyle. A goon bag is a person who has no job, doesn't wear shoes, often covered in sand, doesn't go to class, and of course drinks heaps of goon like its fucking water. A goonbag has no money but still blows it all at the casino usually forcing them to eat chicken and cheeses for all three meals. A goonbag BYO's goon to everything they do and solve all of their problems by drinking
Yo those goonbags are always keen to get gooned


A person of ill wit who's day is made up of mostly lounging around in their pyjamas. Most "goonbags" would choose not to work if they had the choice but some a forced too because of financial commitments, hence their work life is spent wondering around doing as little as possible talking to people and leaving equipment in carparks.
"Hey Jerry do you want to go hang out with Andy?"
"Hah man, did you see him sitting on his hands? he s such a goonbag"


Native aboriginal Australian word meaning "silver pillow"
Can't wait for Centrelink to open to get myself a goonbag for another goodnights sleep on the silver pillow

Goonbag Range

Any movement, theory, or collective promoting: good vibes, versatility and unity. The range is limitless.
Out to my Goonbag Range

iced up goonbag

this term is used mostly in Australian slang. because ice is crystal meth, and a goonbag can be described as a person under the right context a iced up goonbag is a sketchy person that is assumed to use ice. It can also be used to describe someones credibility like the second sentence below. Can also be used as iced goonbag.
"look at that cunt. he's a iced up goonbag". or "what do you know your just a iced up goonbag", "I am a wreck i must looked like a iced goonbag".




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:50:18