

俚语 the gorbachev

The Gorbachev

Sex move in which a bald man rubs his head in the vagina of a menstrating female until his head looks like the ex-Soviet leader's.
The Gorbachev is like falling asleep in a bowl of marinara sauce-that smells like fish.


Mikhail Gorbachev was the leader of the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991. As General Secretary, he introduced wide-ranging reforms (glasnost and perestroika) which inadvertantly caused the collapse of communism in the USSR and Eastern Europe. Gorbachev resigned when the USSR was officially dissolved in late 1991.
"I like Mr. Gorbachev, we can do business together." - Margaret Thatcher


The saviour of the Russian people. Gorbachev inherited an economically crippled soviet union. Through the socio-political reforms of the Perestroika program, Gorbachev raised the standard of living, increased the civil liberties of the Russian (soviet) peoples and dissolved the threat of a Nuclear Holocaust.
Mikhail Gorbachev is unappreciated.


In the United Kingdom, an early 1990's strain of LSD that featuread a black and white face of the ex-Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev
"I'll do you three Gorbachev's for a tenner"


Mikhail Gorbachev, the killer of communism.
Boris Yeltsin rescued the coup against Mikhail Gorbachev, and made sure communism ended in the USSR.


Just before a man has sex with a woman on the rag, he pulls out her bloody tampon, swings it in the air like a cowboy roping a bull, and smackers her on the forehead leaving a bloody replica birthmark of the former Soviet leader.
I gave that dirty bitch a gorbachev!


When one smears poop on the forehead of a sleeping person similar to the birthmark on the forehead of Mikhail Gorbachev, famous Russian premier
Hes gonna be real bitter when i give him a gorbachev tonight




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