

俚语 the government

the government

A large organization which rules over a country. Usually paractices extortion and other such forms of opression.
The government took my belongings because I refused to let them steal my money.

the government

"a bunch of people that belive its with in there power to rule the world, the goverment is notmaly the minority in power."
""how is it the 10% of the world runs the rest of the 90%?." bastards"

the government

a bunch of dirty smelly hippies
satanic bastards who are still practicing slavery to this very day

the government

a bunch of damn fools
Taxation is theft, I don't play by the rules.

I make the government look like a bunch of damn fools.


A machine sent back in time to terminate Gray Davis and become GOVERNER of CALEEFORNIA.


That guy in the group who skips the plan in the last minute
Please confirm if you are really coming. Dont be a governer tomorrow.


Half governor, half cyborg... a hyper-alloy combat chasis surrounded by living tissue, sent back by Skynet to become the governor of California.
"That Governator is out there, it can't be bargined with, it can't be resoned with, and it will not stop, ever... until he is elected."




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