The Greatest Tragedy of March 13th
Once again, Michael was in AP Calculus BC. Michael had asked what infinity/infinity was. One could simply answer the question by saying the answer is undefined; however, that is not what occurred. What occurred was an epic battle of banter. Those around listened in silence and horror, pretending to not listen. The largest blow of this epic battle occurred when, Thall who shall not be named, called Michael a "Dirty Liar". That was the last straw in this encounter. Michael quickly responded with "You did not just call me that". They were in an absolute stalemate. The battle ended with positive email interaction. To this day, the two sides remain at peace.
Today is The Greatest Tragedy of March 13th. We all must mourn this great tragedy. Nothing compares to the horror that occurred on this day. Nothing even comes close. Some might bring up the events that occurred in the 1940s; however, they would be mistaken. One must always respect The Greatest Tragedy of March 13th.