

俚语 the gulliver

the gulliver

When one is tied to the floor/ground and two midgets proceed to fuck on top of you.
I'm glad we found those two dwarfs to bump uglies and do the Gulliver on top of you.


Gulliver, a slang term used by the character "Alex" in the book A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess, and later a movie by the same title directed by Stanley Coobrick. Part of the Russian/Gypsy "NADSAT" teenage vernacular.
Gulliver- head.
Mum, I can't go to school today, my gulliver hurts.

Yesterday we attacked this old man in the ally, he was being obnoxious, we hit got him right in the gulliver.


Synonym for gully gully - meaning cheap or wack.
- "That geezer's sneakers are proper gulliver."
- "Yeah man, they're straight out of Gulliver's Travels."


Someone who uses their travel experiences to win an argument or shoot down ridiculous claims about a geographic place, culture, group of people, etc.

Might be used in a derogatory fashion but typically the person who has been to the place in question trumps the opinion/claims of the person who hasn't.
"I've been to X amount of cities in the past two months and I can tell you that your claim is false. That's now how those places are."

"I just got gullivered."


A deliberate and sarcastic misuse of the word gullible, usually to overstate that you're not the oafish shit-for-brains you may appear to be.
- "You must have been born yesterday. I can't believe you're so naive."

- "Yeah, I'm Gulliver, I am. That means somebody who believes anything anybody tells them."


the inability to REALISE ,when one is being stalked.
omg he's such a gully fucker.

what a gulliver,iv'e been stalking this guy for months !!


N. The loose portion of skin which hangs from the between the base of the chin and the top of the neck. A gulliver usually occurs in elderly people, or fatties.
Take your medicine, Grandpa, or I will wack you in your gulliver...twice.




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